Vineyard Tokenomics and LGE Information

1 min readMar 12, 2021


  • 10,000,000 GRAPES 🍇 Total Supply
  • 10,000,000 GRAPES 🍇 added to PancakeSwap liquidity
  • 90% Of BNB Raised from the LGE event will go to liquidity on PancakeSwap. The remaining 10% will go to the team
  • There is a 2% buy fee and a 3% sell fee, the team takes 10% of the fee equalling 0.2% and 0.3%. The team takes 75% of the 0.2% and 0.3% fee and the rest is used to market Vineyard and our GRAPES 🍇 token to new potential investors/users.

Vineyard does not need to mint new GRAPES 🍇 token to reward farmers; the protocol is designed to provide a non-inflationary, sustainable and safe method of generating yield through taxing a portion of each trade and providing it to those currently farming. This means the supply is capped and there are no mints within new blocks!

LGE Information

LGE information has not yet been fully released… The Vineyard team will update the telegram group and this Medium with the relevant information very soon.

Check out our links below:


Website: *Coming Soon*

Contract: *Coming Soon*





Simple, Self-Perpetuated, Sustainable and Inflation-less.